'I'm not in a slump, the economy is!' So fix it.

Hard work, persistence and renewed commitment to the cause will do it.


The economy is still hurting, as you well know, and the universal cry of salespeople not making enough sales is, “It’s the economy!”

In a slump? Not making enough (or any) sales? Feel like you’re unable to get out of the rut? Is it the economy, or YOU?

Maybe you’re not in a big slump, but just can’t seem to hit your numbers. Don’t panic. Don’t press, don’t get down on yourself and don’t get mad. Above all, don’t quit. Yes, there’s been a slowdown, but don’t be too quick to blame your lack of performance on “it” before you take a hard look at “you.”

Here are the prime causes of sales slumps:

Poor belief system. I don’t believe that my company or product is the best. I don’t think that I’m the best.

Poor work habits. Getting to work late, or barely “on time.” Not spending your time with people who can say “yes.”

Sour grapes. “My prices are too high.” “My territory is bad.”

Outside pressure. Caused by money problems, family problems, or personal problems.

Poor personal habits. Too much drink, too much food, or too much after-hours play.

No support. A boss who says, “You’d better do it,” instead of, “I know you can do it.”

Events that go against you. A new sales exec passes you, or someone else gets promoted and you knew it should have
been you.

Customer cancels a big order. Weakening your personal belief or causing severe money problems—or both.

Competition cuts prices, steals your order. This is the new reality of business.

Getting depressed. From any of the above.

When you’re in a slump, you begin to press for orders instead of working your best game plan (which is: “sell to help the other person,” and let your sincerity of purpose shine through). When you have the pressure to sell, the prospect senses it, and backs off.

Then things get worse. You can’t seem to sell at all, and begin to panic. False fear: Relax, you’re better than that.

What causes a slump? You do. Therefore, you are the best—no, the only— person to fix it. Here’s a prescription for sick sales:

Study fundamentals. List two or three areas that need immediate care. Have the guts to take action.

Revisit your (or make a new) plan for success. Today.

List five things you could be doing to work smarter and harder. Make a plan to work as smart as you think (or say) you are. Hard work can change your luck.

Change your presentation. Take the customer’s perspective.

Talk to your five best customers. Ask them to evaluate your situation. Get someone you respect to evaluate your presentation, live on tape. Take them with you on sales calls. Get a coach.

Get to work an hour before everyone. Put in more productive time.

Spend 30 minutes a day (morning is best) reading about your positive attitude. Then listen to attitude CDs and sales CDs in the car between every sales call.

Take a day off. Chill out, take stock, make a plan, re-group, re-energize, and return with renewed determination and better energy.

Take the best salesperson you know out on calls with you for a day. Get a written evaluation after each call.

Take your boss with you on calls for a week. You’ll get more feedback than you can handle, but it will help.

Avoid negative talk and negative people like the plague. Find people who will encourage you, not puke on you.

Become more valuable to your customers. Send a weekly value message by e-mail to everyone (it can be the same message to all). Tweet a value message or inspirational message daily.

The best way out of a rut is to keep things in perspective. Once you accept the fact that you can change it, you can begin to recover. Be cool—you’re the greatest, if you think you are. Believe in the most important person in the world: You!

Think about this: When a baseball player is in a batting slump, he’ll do anything to “change his luck.” Things from superstition (a rabbit’s foot, not shaving, wearing the same underwear) to changing batting stance, to video watching, to extra coaching. But the one thing that usually breaks the slump is extra batting practice—to regain the groove.

Fundamentals, baby. They, like you, have the professional ability, but temporarily lost it. And, just like you, they need to go back and revisit the raw fundamentals to regain that lost talent.

Return to Ingram's July 2010

Jeffrey Gitomer is author of The Little Red Book of Selling and The Little Red Book of Sales Answers.
P     | 704.333.1112
E     | salesman@gitomer.com